A Huge Deal of "$2 Trillion" to Revive the US Economy

  • Washington, D.C., USA
  • 26 March 2020

The White House and the Senate reached a huge deal to revive the US economy of approximately $2 trillion, according to the agreement reached after days of intense negotiations between the two parties, an amount of two trillion dollars will be pumped into various economic sectors to try to avoid an economic recession due to the Corona crisis.

The agreement includes tax exemptions and extending the benefits of the unemployed and other financial incentives to aid individuals and small and large companies.

The agreement excludes companies owned by the US President and Vice President, members of Congress and officials in the American administration and their families. It is an amendment that the Democrats insisted on targeting directly the White House and the companies of the American President and his children who own companies that have been affected by partial isolation measures in the country. The agreement also provides $1,200 for each individual who earns less than $75,000 annually, in the form of bank checks that reach directly to the homes of Americans.

Source (Al-Arabiya.net Website, Edited)

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